Thursday, 11 June 2015

This Week's PSN EU/AU PSN Releases, JRPG Style! (12/6/15)

Why hello! Welcome to this week's edition of Europe and Australia's new PSN releases, which pulls each week's PSN additions related to the JRPG genre and other Japanese games into one post for your convenience.

I would say this week is quiet on PSN for JRPGs, mostly due to the new release of Elder Scrolls Online on PS4 possibly sending other releases running. However, if you need a game to play on your Vita, Freedom Wars is currently on sale for a steal and is a uniquely fun game with fun online and offline play. Otherwise there's a little DLC, but not much else to talk about or new to play. ]
I'm not too worried because I'm happily playing Final Fantasy IX, so maybe you should hit your backlog this week too!

Have a good week and happy gaming!


Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PS3, PS4)


  • Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of <<F>> Pack

Toukiden: Kiwami (PS Vita, PS4)


  • Armor - Chthonian Fiend Mask
  • Armor - Soma and Reki Set
  • Armor - Tenko Gloves


Big Discounts

  • Freedom Wars (PS Vita)

Pick of the week: Freedom Wars, because it surprised me with how fun it was to cut up monsters and use a flying thorn all Attack on Titan style.

What's your pick of the week? Will you be picking up anything from the PSN this week?
I love hearing your thoughts, so please comment below or send a tweet to @JRPGJungle and follow to keep up with the content we post. :) Thanks for stopping by!

Please note the content available is subject to change by region and the content listed in this post is based on the European/Australian PSN at the time of writing.

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