Thursday, 19 March 2015

This Week's PSN EU/AU PSN Releases, JRPG Style! (19/3/15)

Tokyo Ghost Hunters
Hello, hello!

I'm aware it's been over six months since I've done one of these posts, but I really wanted to bring this back as a) it's a really good excuse to lurk the PSN and b) I'm aware a few people on Twitter used to enjoy this series, so why not, right?

Truthfully, I was checking if Danganronpa 2 was still on sale (spoilers: it's not) and it seemed like a more productive use of my time. So without further ado, here's everything new on the PSN this week!

New Releases

Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters (PS3)

Dragon Ball Xenoverse - GT PACK 1 (PS4, PS3)

Includes: 3 Playable Characters (GT Goku, Pan, GT Trucks), Episodes and Quests, Masters and Master Quests, 1 Stage, Skills, Costumes, accessories and Z-souls

Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd (PS3, PS Vita)
  • Paid:

    Aile D'Ange Module
    Fairy Macaron Module
    Just Be Friends Song
    Magnet Song
    Megurine Luka Conflict Module
    Nagisa Replica Module
    Snow Miku 2015 Module
  • Free:

    Butterflies (Colour) UI
    Butterflies (Gold) UI
    Butterflies (Silver) UI
Free Demos

Toukiden: Kiwami (PS Vita)


The Guided Fate Ultimatium
(Note: these trailers are also available on NIS America's Youtube Channel)
  • Free:

    Official Trailer 3: Main Trailer
    Character Trailer 3: Phyllis
    Character Trailer 4: Hien
    Character Trailer 5: Eri
    Character Trailer 6: Mariel
You can check out these games and the rest of them on the Playstation Network Store.

What's your pick of the week from the PSN?
I love hearing your thoughts, so please comment below or send a tweet to @JRPGJungle and follow if you want to keep up the content we post. Thanks for stopping by!

Please note the content available is subject to change by region and the content listed in this post is based on the European/Australian PSN at the time of writing.

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