Thursday, 22 May 2014

23/5/14 - J-RPG Jungle's weekly trailer round up! Akiba's Trip 2, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax and more!

Hello there!

Each week many awesome game trailers and videos are released. For the sake of simplicity, every Friday I put the ones I think you should know about in this weekly round up post.

This week was a little quiet on the JRPG news and videos front. That's okay - E3 2014 is fast approaching and well, E3 always has something magical up it's sleeve!

In no particular order, here are the JRPG videos from this week:

A look at some of the playable characters in Akiba's Trip 2. It also gives a good look at the explorable, open world of Akibahara. I'm super excited for that and the last girl's socks!

Note: The original game is coming out west on PS3 and Vita as Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed!

I knew nothing about this game when I saw this, but it involves solving cases and it looks kinda cool! You might recognise the name from Hamatora: the Animation but the game tells a different story, so you won't need to have seen the anime to understand the game. The trailer shows off the combat, including the throwing of a giant cake.

Drakengard 3 (PS3)
Interview with the Creative Director on the Philosophies of Violence in Video Games

This game hasn't had rave reviews, but this interview has made me intrigued about Drakengard 3. The Creative Director speaks about how today's 'violence in video games' helped inspire Drakengard 3's story. He also does this with a sock puppet.

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3/X360)
Sho Minazuki Trailer

A trailer for the mysterious new character in the Persona 4 Arena series, Sho Minazuki. I'm very intrigued to find out his role in the story, but for now I'll settle for watching him fight with dual swords.


You can pre-order all of these games from :)

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